It is the condition colloquially known as anal cracks or anal tear. Severe anal pain and bleeding in pink colour are the most common symptoms. Going to the toilet becomes a torture for patients. Patients are afraid of going to the toilet due to pain and postpone their needs to use the toilet. This situation causes the stool to harden, thus the complaints to increase further. This vicious cycle starts disrupting the patient’s quality of daily life. Patients become afraid to even eat. Severe anal pain and bleeding in pink colour are the most common symptoms.
Tears in anus are divided into two as acute and chronic.
We recommend you to watch video below so that you can understand the formation of anal fissure better. Thank you to the Meditoons team for this video.
Acute Anal Fissure
It is the early stage of anal fissure and patients can be treated without surgery if they apply during this period.
What are the Symptoms of Anal Fissure?
Although anal fissure is confused with haemorrhoids, it is a different diseases and its treatment is also completely different. The main symptom of anal fissure is severe pain in the anus during defecation and the feeling of tearing in the anus. Besides, there might be a feeling that the anus is too narrow. This pain can sometimes be unbearable, causing a person to be afraid to go to the toilet. If the fissure deepens, more or more bleeding complaints may occur.
What are the Causes of Anal Fissure?
The main cause of anal fissure is constipation of diarrhoea. It occurs as a result of hard faeces tearing the layer called mucous, especially due to constipation. Excessive cleaning of the anal area increases the risk.
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How is Anal Fissure Diagnosed?
Anal fissure diagnosis can be easily made with a simple and painless rectal examination. Treatment stage can also be easily handled by an experienced surgeon.
Acute Anal Fissure Treatment
- Stool softeners
- Sitz Bath
- Locally effective creams and suppositories
- Diet rich in fibre
The vast majority of patients can be treated in this way in the acute period.
Chronic Anal Fissure
It is the late stage of anal fissure. It is a condition that disrupts the quality of daily life in a vicious cycle of tear, spasm and ischaemia and does not respond to medical treatment.
Chronic Anal Fissure Treatment
Botox Treatment: It is a method used as an alternative to surgery in anal fissure treatment and has a success rate of 50% in the literature. It is also an important factor that effectiveness time of botox is temporary.
Closed Anal Fissure Surgery: It is a method called lateral internal sphincterotomy and has quite successful results. When performed by experienced surgeons having full knowledge of the regional anatomy, the problem will end 95%.
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